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    All accounts with 0 posts on them have been purged. If you are coming back to us after a long time and you find you can't log in, then that would probably be why.

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  • No one is chatting at the moment.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Yep. I posted another link (https://the-dere-types.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Dere_Types) yesterday, and it doesn't show up.
  • @ Arnox:
    /dev/null said:
    100% yes, you thin you're partcipating but you're shadowbanned, with ai wouldn't be hard to just have fake followers and true echo chambers for users you deem high risk to evade. etc etc there are other forums that admin would rather ruin the experience for those kind of users e.g. let them create new accounts but make it seem their posts get no views/limit how fast the site loads, and thus natural attrition -
    It takes me five seconds or less as a bot (or a person) to find out if my comment got deleted. Furthermore, https://intosanctuary.com/index.php...dern-internet-featuring-linus-sebastian.1505/
  • @ Arnox:
    "I think this technique could be warranted for those who have a proven track record of ban-evasion, but for anything else, it definitely seems like a coward's move, automatically assuming that the user WILL ban-evade and making them suffer even more instead of just vanilla banning them and moving on."
  • Link
  • @ Arnox:
    "making a new Google account is a pain in the ass nowadays unless you're a damn bot farm, so I have no idea what you're talking about when you say, 'Oh it's so easy to make another account, bro. They can bypass bans so easily, bro. We have to shadowban, bro.'"
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    YT is just a really badly designed site overall. In every way. Not only can't you easily remove a channel from being recommended to you (you need to actually have it in your feed and click the hidden three dots), but comments are explicitly made to be one-time drive-by ones, and the comment history is also more or less hidden. And the site runs like ass on anything but chrome/ium.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    and they removed dislikes, and have people self-censor, and push ads everywhere and ...
  • @ Gauche:
    Forgot how but I made 5 Google accounts like a year ago for throw aways
  • @ Gauche:
    Wasn't that difficult
  • @ /dev/null:
    Arnox said:
    It takes me five seconds or less as a bot (or a person) to find out if my comment got deleted. Furthermore, https://intosanctuary.com/index.php...dern-internet-featuring-linus-sebastian.1505/
    then you know you're pariah, but you're also assuming most people can check, majority of people don't know how to internet.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
  • @ Arnox:
    Vendor-Lazarus said:
    I found this. "I have just sorted out a similar problem when using Palemoon. A kind A/c posted the following: You can get decent user agents by running a search for "The Latest and Most Common User Agents List". Give it a try, see if it works. I did, and it worked for my problem."
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Lots of people have already tried this, but user agent switching is useless and only truly effective on bad user agent sniffing sites. Anyone can change their user agent so that's a bad thing to test against.
  • @ Arnox:
    Well, it seemed to have worked for that guy in this particular instance so...
  • @ Arnox:
    Two people actually.
  • @ Houseman:
    Good news, you can buy Youtube premium lite for $7.99/mo and get ad free viewing!
  • @ Houseman:
  • @ Houseman:
    I will never ever. Like I said, if I can't watch youtube videos ad-free, for free, like I am already doing, then I will simply stop watching youtube altogether.
  • @ Arnox:
    I don't mind YouTube Premium in theory... But they run their site like such fucking garbage that giving them any money at all seems like a laughable prospect.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    What Arnox said. Have an upvote. 👍
  • @ Gauche:
    What Vendor said. Have an upvote. 👍
  • @ Houseman:
    Edit: Wow this post blew up!
  • @ Houseman:
    Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    "Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Sanctuary_Chatbox."
  • @ Arnox:
    *cites some bullshit subreddit rule*

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